Utter Amlish Channel

Tuesday 24 January 2012

                        Words I just love

Having been lost in space for the last weekend I’m happy to find myself rejoining this infant blog and to see new faces, new thoughts but methinks the need for a new direction. Ok so I’m changing the current but I feel inadequate to join in with the politics of the USA. The day the Terminator became Governor was the day I thought all hope had gone...that was until Nick Clegg came onto the scene.
Anyway, often it has been my thought that some words are so pleasant to both ear and eye that they are worthy of excessive adulation. When that word can be used at exactly the right time and place then verbal bliss is possible. Here is one that springs to mind and I will look forward to hearing some of yours wherever they may come from.

Ok, so this is a word I first came across many years ago and it is has forever stayed with me. However its one of those words that is rarely used and when used somehow gives off an air of arrogance. The everyday conversation is not generally filled with such 10 letter gems (yes I did count by pointing my finger to each letter). Maybe we should make it our duty to use it more. It must be added that the word sounds better when pronounced in a deep soothing manner. A metallic, rasping voice may get away with it but could end up being an irritant.

It means to be chatty or talkative. As for its origin I’m not sure so please enlighten me.


  1. Welcome back Blackhole ..well funny how different words can sound appealing or repulsive depending on who is speaking or hearing them. Take your word Loguacious. First off I receive a spell check asking me to fix it to loquaciousness. Whew ..that's a long word there. To me it summons up images of flying beasts similar to Locusts only of a more grandiose size. The image it projects is of winged insects swarming with incessant buzzing both irritating and hideous at the same time. I'm relieved that I do know of the meaning to alleviate the awful image it creates for me. Glad it works for you though. Just two of my favorite words are exuberance (prolific,abundant,luxuriant,effusive). I picture happiness and excitement..joy! Giving you another word I find appealing and blissful is essence(existence, being,a scent all that is) Now there's a word with depth. You can almost inhale it ..take in all that it surrounds..the aura of a being, the scent it emits the persona it transmits .. ahhh like a fine perfume.

  2. Those are both great words cross. There is one word that I would use more often but I can never seem to find the right placement for it. The word is serene. It's a simple word yet it has so many meanings. I use it in the same way that you may use exuberance. I think of serene as a beautiful waterfall in the tropics or perhaps sitting on the beach just feeling the water hit your feet as you watch the sun go down. A lot of people may use placid in place of serene but I like serene. It just has that sound of peace and tranquility in today's busy world.

  3. I never thought it would repulse anyone, obviously your mind is inferior and taste poor - you know im joking. It does work for me, yes, maybe you're one this tin voiced people who find it difficult to articulate looooqqqquuuaaacccious in the way it needs to be. Happy to so I agree with essence, something fresh and pure about it.
    Now for words i hate - rust. I don't know why, it just sounds corrosive and negative.
    Hey puppetmaster (sinister name I must add)'serene' is an apple of gold in picture of silver, easy to say and easy to hear so as one big happy family we all agree on that.

  4. Hummm..I don't find the name PuppetMaster as being sinister but as we all agree words as well as the names they imply can create divergent images. Yes serene is a great choice ...evokes a place of rest be it a waterfall, mountain top, lake , cobblestone street, a rising or setting sun in the horizon. Quite different then rust. Yes rust is one of those that make u just want to wash your hands to be rid of it. Kinda like the word phlegm. Even as it leaves your lips the sound is caught in your throat!It makes you want to distance yourself from those that produce it.

  5. Yes, Phlegm! Even the spelling of it is awful...just some letters thrown together to mimic the sound of the horrid produce. Unfortunately we all have phlegm. What would be a more preferable alternative?

  6. I will stay away from what may get caught in your throat because I don't really think there's a better word then phlegm.

    Rust, now that's a word that means many things. It's a word that's used to describe an entire region of the states. The Rust Belt is the cities and towns around the Great Lakes that used to be major manufacturing cities but now, the factories sit empty and the steel buildings are rusting away. It is also something that you used to see on cars but that too is really a thing of the past because cars aren't made with steel anymore. Rust on my hands feels a lot like wet coffee grounds. I make that comparison because to me, wet coffee grounds are one of the most disgusting things to feel as with rust. You just want to wash it off your hands. It makes you feel like you're being contaminated.

  7. Blackhole, I do thank you for the compliment on the name. Cross is right that names can mean many different things. Yours makes me immediately think of space and wanting to be an astronaut when I was a child. I would always look in the stars and wonder what was out there. I never followed the dream far enough to even be fully engaged in space from say my backyard with a telescope but your name definitely means excitement and learning to me.

    Cross on the other hand, I'm not really sure. I would guess that it has something to do with space because of the picture being used. I'm a dreamer so I will go with the fact that Cross's name does have something to do with space. Space, what a dreamy word to say, isn't it??

  8. The Southern Cross is a constellation in the southern hemisphere. It has been used by sailors as a guide to their destination. Crosby Stills and Nash have a song called Southern Cross "When you see the Southern Cross
    For the first time
    You understand now
    Why you came this way" For further insight listen to the lyrics of the song.

  9. So does the southern cross resemble the blob i see on your picture? I mean who was the wise crack who chose that photo in the first place?

  10. LOL It was my agent. I didn't want my beauty to outshine my words.

  11. Well, well, well, that is quite a statement Cross lol. Space is beautiful so maybe you are being outshined. I'm just saying :)

  12. A constellation is something that I've always had problems locating in the night skies. I suppose you could call the big dipper and little dipper constellations and to be honest these are the only two that I can really locate. I know I keep coming back to space but it really interest me. I like to think that we are not the only intelligent life forms out there. I will let all of you decide how intelligent we really are ;-). I don't look up in the sky and see constellations, I see worlds away and things we can never touch. Space is a place to me that means peace, exploration, wonder, silence, fear, and in some ways death. I don't say death because of any reference to heaven. It's the blackness that really symbolizes death for me but yet that same blackness means life because the explorer in me wants to go find all the new things out there. I look up at the moon and I see a satellite that can't support life as we know it but yet it means everything to our lives here with the tides and moon phases. The sun, 93 million miles away, can feel 93 feet away on the hottest days of summer. If you think about it though, our sun is dying every day just like we are. It brings us our warmth, light, and in many ways our happiness but someday it will bring death. Who knows if man will be around to see it but like I say, Space...it really is amazing.

  13. Ok, enough on the space LOL. I'll go back to a word that brings out joy in me and the word is exuberant. No one ever uses the word but when you do find time a time and place to use it, it makes you feel happy, excited, and possibly even proud. I enjoy being happy and I take great pride in what I do but yet I never think of using the word exuberant. The word just combines a lot of happy feelings for me but yet if you say it, people would look at you like your crazy. I'm a little crazy so maybe I'll just start using it. :)

  14. Maybe exuberant, which is a great word, comes into the category of lavish words. A bit like certain clothes or pieces of jewellery that are only worn on special occasions.
    If you kept wearing them they would lose their appeal so too if we keep using particular words like exuberant the shine would soon fade and it would be thrown into the waste bin of everyday vocab. Just a thought.
    By the way Southern Cross tell your agent to pull his act together. Have you thought of posting something new to the blog? Please feel free.....dont be shy.

  15. O.K first of all, regarding space and death. The closest I ever came to death and space together was a ride at Disney World called Mission Space. I should have had my doubts when they gave you a barf bag upon entering. To me the night sky is filled with wonderment and unanswered questions. When will I see the hairy green monsters? Would I be happy to say Beam me up Scotty and carelessly say goodbye to everyone and all I know here on earth for that one chance to explore infinity? The thought remains appealing but after the Disney ride, I know they would have to find a smoother and more efficient rocket ship to transport me there. Which brings another word to mind,..INFINITY. What a soul searching word. The never ending abyss,, the forever and ever, limitless, unfathomable, immeasurable. It's a word my heart searches for in love and wonders if it exists in that realm.

  16. Barf bag is a nice way of putting it. We simply say sick bag, I beg your pardon. I think most people have a fascination with space and the unknown but Im quite sure if little green people do exist and are as intelligent as we make them out to be then they would have managed to find their way here and introduce themselves. 'Hi Im gog nice to meet you' etc. I think we need to start looking for intelligent life on this earth first before looking elsewhere. Anyway I like the thought of having Earth as a unique creation unlike anything else that exists out there.
    Infinity is certainly a most beautiful word. It charms us because it is beyond our comprehension. The finite cannot fathom the infinite but only look in awe at it.
    Does infinity exists in love? Is there such a thing as an unending love or a limitless devotion? Hard questions indeed.

  17. Infinity..that's a word I haven't heard in a long time. It has that never ending feeling to it. It's a word that I put into context often in my daily life while never using it. Blackhole, you ask if infinity exist in love or devotion. I'm a believer that it does exist in those two places because in my humble opinion, without the thought of being with someone and loving someone for infinity, the subconscious being in us will stop striving, yearning, and wanting. I've said, I'm a dreamer so these are all things that exist in me. I do think that I will find the person that I want to spend infinity with and that should come along with unending love and devotion. It's part of why we are here I think, to always want to make that true connection that fills every piece of your heart and mind with love and happiness. Infinity can mean many other things of course but to me the search for my infinity keeps me going every day.

  18. I just needed to put that out there as this blog needs a woman's touch. Endless love..humm How perfect a world this would be if the 2 parties involved had the same devotion. Unfortunately, this does not always coexist. I too am a dreamer Puppet and know in my heart that certain feelings I harbor will never die. But I'm a woman and think like a woman, perhaps with men it's different. I just think that with most men, it's easier for them to move on. Some men find it easier to trade in the jeep for the shiny new show car.
