Utter Amlish Channel

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Roses are Red, Violets Are Blue...the rest is up to you!
Ok, so moving on in our Valentine theme for this month, we want people to post up poems which bloggers have either penned in the past or have felt the urge to write recently. You can even add your thoughts as to why it came to you and what it means. Here is a chance to let that creative side in you unshackle itself without the fear of ridicule...just stay away from the overly simplisitc i.e. 'the cat sat on the mat'.
While the theme is set you can be as broad as you wish in this area.
Again, if you want to remain anonymous then simply sign in as such...all are welcome and maybe at the end we can do a poll and put the poems to the test. The reward will be something like you have never seen before!



    From the very beginning..we always knew
    we couldn't be and yet knew we had to.
    How do you love someone you can't touch
    or feel the whisper of their breath
    lingering on your skin? and yet we did
    knowing we couldn't knowing we shouldn't.
    Leading our separate lives
    that only enhanced the distance between us
    and the hours turned to days
    and the days became years.
    So much lost, so much gained.
    I came to you once... to inhale your breath
    draw it into my body and carry it with me forever.
    It now feeds my oxygen with your soul, your being
    nourishing my blood.. pumping through my veins.
    I have taken you inside of me
    we are now one.

    1. An amazing way to start of this post with words of such force...whoever's eyes this is for will be blessed reading it.

  2. You are both wonderful writers, I can feel the emotion in the words. I can only hope my efforts will be worthy of leaving my name on the posting :)


    You caught me as I fell from the nest..
    Broken wing and all the rest.
    Words that healed the damaged rudder..
    Made it move, made it flutter.
    I learned to fly as days passed by
    strong and secure with thoughts of you.
    I flew, I grew ,exploring life with a different vane
    no more heartache, no more pain.
    You inspired all that was meant to be.
    Don't you realize what you mean to me?

    1. cross you are going above and beyond each time


      Infatuation is like a rose
      You anxiously await it's bloom...
      To linger upon it's beauty.
      While inhaling it's intoxicating scent
      Feel the softness of it's petals
      Under your gentle finger tips
      As you marvel at it's movement in the wind.
      When it fades and begins to wither
      You move on to yet another blossom
      Once again, waiting patiently
      For it's pulchritude to entice you..
      Feeding it, watering. watching it daily
      Until it unfolds itself to you naked in its beauty.
      Then as the petals brown, it's scent fades,
      You remove it from it stem,
      Cast it to the ground and await the new bud
      That soon will replace it.

      Love, on the other hand...

      Is that Giant oak,hardly fragrant
      Nor so colorful as the rose..
      But with roots that withstand
      The strongest winds,fiercest rains
      The harshest climates and possible neglect.
      Despite it all, it flourishes, continues
      Skyward reaching new heights and survives.
      Given the chance, which would you rather be?


    Thoughts of you fly like a curtain in the wind
    caressing my soul with exhilaration
    and then we talk with such abandon
    I lust for hours more.
    Is there a difference between the spirit and the skin,
    do we make love to the mind or the body?
    What is real and what is imagined?
    Can you feel me over all these treacherous miles,
    lusting and longing for you?
    My dreams shall soon carry me over the land
    to view the cliffs with you..to hold you in my embrace
    where we are as one....
    If only for this night

    1. You're coming off with some great titles and thoughts Cross....leaving us all in your wake.

    2. Ha Ha does this mean I win ??? LOL


    The world changed the day we met
    I knew life would mean something again
    Our words were small and simple but I
    knew they were different
    We soon began to talk more and more
    Your words would dance in my head
    as I listened and learned about you
    My head would spin my heart quicken
    I couldn't hear your voice but I could
    feel all of them
    They flowed through my head filling
    me with wonder and happiness
    I knew that you were meant to be part
    of my life
    Then one day I heard your voice
    I felt your passion
    It made me want to know everything
    To feel your love, your pain
    I feel my heart opening to you
    Your voice surrounding me in a warm embrace
    I long for more of you
    the hours together are never enough
    The distance between us means so little
    You are in my head, my heart, my soul
    I dream the wonderful dream
    To embrace you, to touch you, to love you

  6. Amazing and your heart pours out in your words. This is soon to become a poets corner..Hope we can get more to share with us here.

    1. Yes we are in agreement Cross...finally lol Im glad you shared this PM and hope some more will step out with their dreams, whatever angle they come from.

    2. I just had to get the first one out of my head. :) I pale in comparison to the two of you but I definitely appreciate your positive feedback.


    A wind blew upon my face
    It brought a warm embrace with it
    I could feel it all around me
    causing me to glow with joy
    It brought hope
    It brought strength but most of all
    it brought happiness
    The happiness fills me every time
    the wind caresses me
    I know it blows and blows
    and when it finally reaches me
    I feel a kiss from the breeze
    When it leaves for the day
    I want for more
    My patience is rewarded the next day
    for it returns and its stronger
    than the day before
    The warmth, love, and happiness
    always leads to a kiss
    Thank God..for the wind


    It brings the promise of a new start
    A wonderful warm sunrise
    You awaken to start your day
    your heart full of joy and happiness
    A smile forms on your face as you open
    the drapes to start a new day
    You wonder, can anyone be as happy as you are
    The day brings challenges, roles
    and responsibilities
    You accomplish these things with joy
    because you know each day means
    another day closer to a dream
    The days may go quickly or go slowly
    but you know that at the end of it
    You get to start tomorrow over with the
    same joy and happiness in your heart
    knowing that every morning alone brings
    you closer to mornings together
    with the one you love

  9. Your best one yet ! Keep writing and TY for joining our blog :)

  10. Thank you very much. It's all new to me but you may have unleashed a monster since I have a tendency to talk..a lot. :)


    He walks in moonlight hidden from the dawn of day
    Oh Lord , one night in his arms I pray.
    How I'd love to see the sun shine on his face
    but that is not his pace..no trace..
    His existence is designated to a nameless face.
    Is it so wrong to want more than this
    to share a smile, to embrace in a kiss?
    I know that what we have is great
    and what we don't is just our fate
    but to spend one night in total rapture..
    is a dream one day I hope to capture.

    1. I see you've taken a fancy to the rhyming style of poetry, lovely wording and imagery once again...i really am slacking, sorry guys.

  12. Cross, you are a wonderful writer. You really do outshine us with your artistry and ability. I'm already looking forward to your next poem. :)

  13. So very beautiful..as your love is for her..solid..pure and strong!

    1. What a wonderful way to express your love. We can all be so lucky to experience what you have.


    There is no compromise in what I see
    I find beauty in most everything .
    To behold the stars and yet not touch them
    Does not alter their allure.
    To breath the air unseen still fills my lungs.
    To love you and not have you
    does not diminish my passion
    You exist and that is all I ever need.

    We have grown..you and I over the years
    Once you said, "I'll tear down your walls
    and make a gravel path to my heart."
    I laughed at the prospect of such absurdity.
    That was long ago and now that path has worn
    carrying me to that place within your core.
    Yet... I am here and you are there.
    The walls long gone, the path well traveled.
    If only time could stand still
    and distance shortened
    all would be right with the world.

    1. Again, you write with such passion. It is a pleasure to read everything the two of you write. I feel less than adequate here yours and blackhole's recent post but I will continue posting and hope to get a little better each time. If the two of you have suggestions, please feel free to share them. I'm but a beginner.

    2. There was an error in the word breath ..was supposed to read breathe..not letting me correct it

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    I enter your heart in a different place,
    Through a different door
    To another life..parallel to the one of our everyday existence.
    Doesn't matter, as long as it leads to the proper place
    Somewhere in your life. maybe a room lit by the warmth of a fire.
    Music heralding through the walls , my poetry strewn across the floor.
    You perusing for new music, me lying on the bed writing.
    Then the sunlight filters through the curtains as you call out my name
    and say, "Wanna play Sunshine?"

  16. DREAMS

    Night comes and you fall asleep
    Your body rest but your mind is
    beginning its nightly journey
    A world where you dream of what
    your life can be
    A place where your love and
    passion are always wanted, needed.
    Where time stands still and you
    realize how wonderful life can be
    You dream of a smiling face
    an intoxicating laugh
    a voice filled with love
    The soft touch of fingers
    intertwined with yours
    The worries of every day life
    fade away as the dream carries
    you to far off lands
    The places you go, the people you meet,
    they see the happiness in your faces
    You slowly return to your body
    your mind realizing the night is over
    You awaken with a smile and a warm heart
    Hoping the dream will continue every night
    and one day the dreams will become
    your reality.

  17. BEAUTY

    A word that means so many
    different things to people
    You can find beauty everywhere
    Is it sitting by a fireplace
    looking outside and watching
    the snow fall
    Is it simply seeing the sunrise
    to begin another day
    Can it be the sound of a voice
    The twinkle in another's eye
    Watching them enter a room and
    they take your breath away
    The body doesn't make someone
    beautiful. Its the heart, mind,
    and soul that makes a
    beautiful person.
    The people that know what true
    beauty is never look for it,
    it found them in the moment they
    needed it

  18. LOVE

    What is it?
    Is it knowing that the
    person that is your life will
    always be there
    To see into their mind and
    feel their happiness
    To know that the two of you
    are meant to be together forever
    Your heart races as they
    come near you, your
    breathing quickens
    To feel a tingle every time
    they touch you, look at you
    You share your hopes, your
    dreams, your desires
    The time you have together
    is never enough
    The days are full of thoughts of
    spending evenings together
    Is it sharing everything or
    just sharing nothing but they
    know what that nothing is
    You know that every day will
    bring challenges but together
    you are always stronger than
    any obstacle in front of you
    Love, it is everything that
    you know about and so many
    things that you can only hope
    to know about

  19. I just want to take the time to thank everyone who participated in this months topic and shared their thoughts with us. If anyone would like to recommend a topic for discussion, we would welcome all suggestions.

  20. Agreed Cross. So, to see which poem captivated the heart and mind most we would like everyone to cast a vote under this. Just say which poem you liked the most and we will do the 'math' to see who is the winner and then triumph their praise!

  21. I will have to say that my favorite is The Rose and The Oak.

    It says a lot about love and since we were doing all of this for Valentine's Day, it's my choice.

  22. This is a very difficult decision for me because all the poems are beautiful and spoken from the heart. However, I am going to have to select the poem MY CONSTANT as it reflects on true love and eliminates the emotional infatuation that we all think perhaps is love.

  23. I must say PM your one on Dreams struck me but I think the award goes to Cross for her Oak & Rose poem. There is just something very ingenious and yet simple about it...plus Cross is pointing a gun to my head :)
    Well done Sir! (or Madam!)

  24. Well thank you very much for the complement. It's been enjoyable to write with both of you. I look forward to more challenges as we go and I may even win if you can get the gun out of her hand!

  25. LOL ...If I had to win through coercion , I'd rather not win ! * Pouts and stomps foot*

  26. I believe his statement is well done Sir or Madam..definitely begs the question of
    what if, doesn't it??

    Ok ok..just had to have a little fun there. You're both great writers and I'm always
    happy to participate and get feedback.

  27. Well i have enjoyed them all so much but i too will have to go with cross on this one to. The Oak was good but i liked the Muse .. It reaches down inside me the most so will go with that one.. I will say this cross u have a certian way with ur words and i just love reading ur stuff so please keep them coming. All of u did good just my fav sorry......

  28. Thank you so much..I enjoy writing them as well and I am so inspired to continue to do so especially if they are reaching others in my words.


    Once you were my beacon, my guiding light
    To see beyond the darkness of the sea.
    The sailboat that carried me to
    Places I had never seen,
    Is left motionless with tattering cloth.
    It's hull like flotsam and jetsam
    Washing up upon the weary shore.
    Did the ports grow tiring , or was it the voyage in itself ?

    The winds that blew it's sails
    Have become still without a breeze .
    Can you stare into the night's horizon upwards to the stars..
    Find the Southern Cross and have her radiance
    Guide you back to my Island where
    The palm trees dance carefree in the calm wind?
    Is there no luster in her aura, the stars
    tarnished and dull or is it that your eyes are tired
    From searching for more than you can give

    1. Have to say wow and thank you. You once again have said another beautiful poem..

  30. YOU AND ME

    I once waited for us to be free
    Romp barefoot on the Island's sand
    Just you and me....
    Bask in the sun, under a tree
    Just you and me....
    Our bodies entwined in the deep blue sea
    Just you and me....
    Then I realized there was no us
    There was just you....
    And there was just me

  31. Cross, wonderful as always. It says so much in so few words.

  32. It’s Contagious

    Bottle it in a jar and send it wide and far
    Everyone needs to feel
    What I am feeling now
    Does it matter if people chatter?
    Do I care when they stand and stare,
    And look at me and think ‘is he real?’
    What I feel right now
    I know it is contagious

    Bottled for too long, thinking I was strong
    When no one around me
    Knew what was raging then
    Troubled times, warning signs,
    Do they see those furrowed lines?
    Look and see what set me free
    What I have right now
    It is contagious

    Bottles of tears and veiled years
    Robs us each and every day
    Locking up what shouldn’t be
    Glorifying our misery
    This infection found correction
    In a few lines I have to say
    What I know right now
    Will be contagious

    Breaking through and making new
    Taking in my every thought
    Healing my broken heart
    She made me smile, laugh a while
    Gentle words and tender ears
    Everything to her I brought
    It was then I knew I’d caught
    What I am saying now
    It is contagious

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.
