Utter Amlish Channel

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Internet Relationships - Real or Fantasy?

Internet Relationships - Real or Fantasy?
Much can be said about this topic as everyone's idea of a relationship can vary. There are feelings we have for our friends, family and then our significant others. So where would an internet relationship come into it? Can we lend our hearts to a ghost in the machine? Better yet, if we do give our hearts away, what are the consequences? Is the person we are conversing with the person they portray themselves to be? What happens if you take that alternate universe love to a different level? Do you meet with them in the real world? Will this meeting exceed or diminish our expectations? I am sure many wonderful relationships begin on the net and have fairy tale endings. Then there are some that lead to broken hearts. I suppose both parties involved need to have the same idea of where the relationship will go. Sometimes, we have greater expectations then the one we have let invade our hearts and souls. I therefore think the bounderies must be made clear from the get go. If all that is expected is a fantasy, then be honest with the other person...let them know that is all you are looking for - an escape from the norm and problems of everyday life. Sometimes, however, the fine line between reality and fantasy merge. What starts out as an infatuation of sorts becomes much greater as the lines of communication open and layers of the person's persona come to the fore. You find yourself wanting to know all about this stranger and await their yellow bubble as an indication that they are out there in cyber space awaiting your responses. Their laughter becomes intoxicating, you can almost see their smile, feel their warmth. You want to share your innermost thoughts with this person and look for their replies. No matter what goes on in your daily life, you can find comfort in the keyboard relationship. What starts out casually becomes a real attraction. The ghost occupies your thoughts from dawn till dusk, filters in your dreams and you long to be with them, to share life's wonders. You find yourself talking to them throughout the day, whether in your mind, text or phone. Does one derive pleasure from this? I think so. Unfortunately, not all net relationships can carry on beyond this point. Sometimes the real world gets in the way. So how long do we linger in this Neverland of emotions? Can we stop what our hearts feel yet our minds know its futility? I'd like to hear some ideas on this topic even if it's in a generic sense. I just wonder because for me, my heart is in this cyber world with no escape route.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

  The battle between British & American Chav/Ghetto vocab
I can only speak as a representative of Britian and so far I seem to be the only one on this blog from these parts. Here we have a section of society we classify as chav. They have a dress code, a style of life and unique language which unfortunately filters its way into peoples conversations.
Vicky Pollard came onto our screens and did a wonderul job of showing how ridiculous it all is. The strange thing about Vicky is that she is not an exaggeration like most tv characters are.
The 'yeh but, no but' is heard everywhere interspersed with isits and innits. Confusion abounds as a result.
I found this urban dictionary definition, its worth a lol:
chav (noun)- 1 Anyone wearing any kind of burberry clothing 2 A youth usually, although not neccessarily in his or her teens who has an undying belief that they are the hardest and coolest individual to have ever walked this planet. The male chav is distinguishable by his birght colours and imitaion gold jewellry which he uses to attract chavettes (see next). Any eye contact will be met with a tirade of abuse assuming the chav is with his herd. 3 Chavette A female chav who is distinguishable by the use of earings resting on her shoulders, very innapropriate clothing, and a pram. Chavettes are very rarely seen on their own and prefer to hang around with the dominant chav in their herd, usually the father of their child. 4 Chavish the dialect of the chav. Believing that he is a bad boy gangsta rapper, the chav or chavette will converse with others in a secrect language. Scientists have been working for years on trying to decipher chavish but to no avail. Other than swear words that you will manage to pick out, you will not understand any of this tirade; simply assume its not pleasant and probably involves your parents and a dog.

So uz americans duz u av wordz dat r like theez? - (its really hard trying to write like this)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

                        Words I just love

Having been lost in space for the last weekend I’m happy to find myself rejoining this infant blog and to see new faces, new thoughts but methinks the need for a new direction. Ok so I’m changing the current but I feel inadequate to join in with the politics of the USA. The day the Terminator became Governor was the day I thought all hope had gone...that was until Nick Clegg came onto the scene.
Anyway, often it has been my thought that some words are so pleasant to both ear and eye that they are worthy of excessive adulation. When that word can be used at exactly the right time and place then verbal bliss is possible. Here is one that springs to mind and I will look forward to hearing some of yours wherever they may come from.

Ok, so this is a word I first came across many years ago and it is has forever stayed with me. However its one of those words that is rarely used and when used somehow gives off an air of arrogance. The everyday conversation is not generally filled with such 10 letter gems (yes I did count by pointing my finger to each letter). Maybe we should make it our duty to use it more. It must be added that the word sounds better when pronounced in a deep soothing manner. A metallic, rasping voice may get away with it but could end up being an irritant.

It means to be chatty or talkative. As for its origin I’m not sure so please enlighten me.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

You say tomato we say tomato
What do you see? Two words identical in their visual form and yet depending on where you live spoken with different emphasis. Interestingly, not everyone from the land of opportunity sides with the pronunciation which to the average Brit conjures up thoughts of pizza sellers in the Bronx. The opposite cannot be said though; never in my life have I met an British citizen naming that fruit (or is it a vegetable?) as tomayto.  My  American buddy agrees with me that it should be spoken in the same way as 'mark' or 'far' and certainly not 'pay' or 'say'. So when I say to-mar-toe and you say to-may-toe who really is saying it correctly? Maybe this is just an example of utter amlish: a colliding of accents and simply a matter of preference. However, it opens up another war of words and battle of wills. The above list of words only serves to show how a word written and read the same by both countries have strange ways of being articulated. Recent conflicts in the verbal world have given birth to this blog. Is it slightly narrow minded? Well, yes, after all it only takes in two countries of the world. Probably the two most loathed countries of all and both guilty in their own way of arrogance. Yet maybe the scribbling thoughts of a few might path the way for a better understanding. So bring it all to the table, thrash it out and knead away. Argue your case, hold your ground and show your opposing country that if they say tomato we say tomato.
Remember don't take it all too seriously!