Utter Amlish Channel

Thursday, 26 January 2012

  The battle between British & American Chav/Ghetto vocab
I can only speak as a representative of Britian and so far I seem to be the only one on this blog from these parts. Here we have a section of society we classify as chav. They have a dress code, a style of life and unique language which unfortunately filters its way into peoples conversations.
Vicky Pollard came onto our screens and did a wonderul job of showing how ridiculous it all is. The strange thing about Vicky is that she is not an exaggeration like most tv characters are.
The 'yeh but, no but' is heard everywhere interspersed with isits and innits. Confusion abounds as a result.
I found this urban dictionary definition, its worth a lol:
chav (noun)- 1 Anyone wearing any kind of burberry clothing 2 A youth usually, although not neccessarily in his or her teens who has an undying belief that they are the hardest and coolest individual to have ever walked this planet. The male chav is distinguishable by his birght colours and imitaion gold jewellry which he uses to attract chavettes (see next). Any eye contact will be met with a tirade of abuse assuming the chav is with his herd. 3 Chavette A female chav who is distinguishable by the use of earings resting on her shoulders, very innapropriate clothing, and a pram. Chavettes are very rarely seen on their own and prefer to hang around with the dominant chav in their herd, usually the father of their child. 4 Chavish the dialect of the chav. Believing that he is a bad boy gangsta rapper, the chav or chavette will converse with others in a secrect language. Scientists have been working for years on trying to decipher chavish but to no avail. Other than swear words that you will manage to pick out, you will not understand any of this tirade; simply assume its not pleasant and probably involves your parents and a dog.

So uz americans duz u av wordz dat r like theez? - (its really hard trying to write like this)


  1. This is a tough one for me. I know I could spend hours at urban dictionary and just post words here that would fit into exactly what you're talking about. I'd be lying to say I can write or say what you did without putting a lot of thought into it. My issue is that I'm white as a saltine cracker. I can find kids, punks, emos, or whatever you want to call them and I'm sure they can spit this stuff out faster than you can say, ummm what?? I think I may need to look for an out on this one. lol

  2. I don't really think there is a "Battle of Slang" between the Americans and the Brits. I find with the rise of the net there is more of a commonality of slang due to the text messaging so I shall respond the best way I can with some text slang. Anyone A2T, A3,AYK (translate=Anyone addicted to text,anyplace, anywhere,anytime)as you know uses symbols to communicate. The most recognizable one being LOL. I'm not going to spend too much time on this topic as I don't want to seem BBB (boring beyond belief). So let me see if I can spew off one good paragraph in the American version of Chav/Ghetto/Gangsta words. I hope I won't need a duece after gaffeling sum gangsta words. So my Homies..wad up? I'm just chillin and kickin it up on the blog while I stack some PaPa. I'm no wangsta just a tight, swool chic. Umm this topic is gassed to me and i feel as tho I have a gat9 to my head so pass me a 40's and I'll be aight.

  3. I haven't gotten any sleep so finding it difficult to write in proper English let alone slang. I am not a morning person so calling me at 5 am for an emergency is not your smartest choice. I think they scour the gyms to recruit EMT's. First requirement is 1. No sense of direction so that you make sure you are the very last person to arrive on the call 2. Be a poser...flex your muscles bc u can't rely on your brains 3. Be as rude as you can so people won't ever dial 911 again. Did I mention I hate hospitals? It probably didn't sit well when I finally asked the staff "Where is the *&%&$@%* Dr.? At least that got him in the room...Oh well, I shouldn't complain, they spoke English..I probably should have recruited them for the blog since all they do is sit around texting.

  4. Wow! That sounds like a horrible morning! Maybe they all think they work on one of those stupid medical shows on TV and don't need to do any work or help anyone just like they do on TV. Hey you got lucky with the English speaking docs at least. The last time I went to ER the medical student was from the Middle East and I could hardly understand what he was asking.

    They probably wouldn't be very helpful here, they have to talk about something besides themselves. LOL

  5. ok you're going to need to update me on those last two comments, im completely lost

  6. I will be away for the weekend so not able to post. Hope everyone has a great weekend and back with some creative thoughts on Monday. I think I will work on the next topic tossing it around for Valentine's Day. Can't believe a year has come and gone since my last Val Day..some beautiful memories there. Get your thinking caps on with ideas on the topic Internet Relationships-Real or Fantasy.
