Utter Amlish Channel

Thursday, 16 February 2012

My Juke Box Dream

There is one thing we all have in common - we dream. I’m not talking about aspirations or ambitions but that sleepy world that we enter into which is beyond our control. It’s almost as good as it gets because everyone can lay claim to innocence when it comes to this misty world. Wherever we are taken and whatever we do can be reasoned away with, ‘oh it was just a dream...or a bad dream’. Here is a world filled with heroes and villains; where ethereal dreams and brooding nightmares abound and a place that for many of us we never want to wake up from.

Without wanting to sound too much like a person reflecting on the ‘good old days of youth’ e.g. when I was a lad etc; I do remember something I used to do as a boy. I was a dreamy boy (I’m not talking about what girls thought concerning me), and I often would go to bed and pretend my mind was a Juke Box. There would I be snuggling into my pillow, my eyes would close and I pictured the CD disc coming out of its compartment and slotting into place. My dream world was ready to begin. As a typical English lad football dominated my earlier dreams. I would win cups and score the greatest goals and so on. But as my mind developed so too my dreams, we grew together and in time complex layers covered the earth of my dream world.

Wouldn’t it be a most wonderful thing if we could control our dreams or would it? What world would you create and maybe you wish to share your thoughts as to some dreams you have had and what you make of them. Sleep well fellow bloggers.  


  1. The subject of dreams has always been a fascinating topic for me. While attending University, I took a course on the power and nature of dreams. In that course, they presented ideas, one being that if all things exist, they must consist of energy. If this energy exists , then what has been created now has life. Purely on a physics level, this leaves one to wonder of the reality of our dreams. All things exist within our ability to perceive them so if we perceive the dream , then it must exist . This existence can be purely in a sub conscious state where the mind can only react in thought but not respond with bodily movements. In Sigmund Freud's famous book, Interpretation of Dreams, he presented a theory that dreams were a representation of our unconscious desires. In 1977, a new theory of dreams was approached by J. Allan Hobson and Robert McClarley. This new theory was called the Activation- Synthesis Model of Dreaming. This went on to explain that dreams were the creation of internally generated signals that were caused by circuitry in the brain during the sleep mode. As to whether or not our dreams are a product of our suppressed desires or simply a physical response to brain circuits triggering them, has left many to debate this issue. Perhaps we shall never know or understand the true nature of our dreams. As for myself, I have spent many hours in this subconscious state enjoying the ride and the experiences I have had there. Sometimes we may even look forward to entering this other world of ours where we can act upon our instincts and throw caution to the wind. Feel free to share some of your dreams and we promise not to psychoanalyze you in the process.

    1. What an explosion of knowledge! I suppose it's not quite so compelling to accept that dreams are only and just the product of brain signals. on the other hand the problem of believing that dreams are the representation of our unconscious desires is a real one. Often I have the most bizarre, random dreams which when I awake from Im convinced are not suppressed desires.
      Maybe the truth lies in the middle somewhere. Ive always felt the dream Ive woken up from and which has left my heart beating and the feeling of wanting to get back to sleep to finish it off, is more than a brain signal. Its the tangible dreams that grip me the most.

  2. With all that said, and if Freud was correct in his repressed, suppressed theory I'm not so sure my dreams (at least my better ones) are ready to be placed on a blog.

  3. On of my favorite dreams was the time I was a Victoria Secret model and married to Tom Brady. This dream would then prove Freud's theory as to dreams suppressing our conscious desires. Now if I ever was to become comatose, I only hope to revisit that particular dream. On a serious note, I do find that most of my dreams involve a flight to a place where i am content, free of stress and enjoying the company of whomever I am with. On the odd occasion, I do have dreams where I am taking endless physics or math tests and fear that I won't receive a passing grade. I am certain that if I went to psychoanalysis they would have a field day with that line of thought.

    1. Ok fill me in because being this side of the water I initially thought of someone from the Brady bunch but a quick google showed to me you must be thinking of a quaterback or something like that. Please not someone from the Brady bunch lol

    2. Made me laugh. Don't you play football over there? Stop drinking that awful nasty tea and grab a bud and sit down to a manly sport instead of croquet or soccer.

  4. Tom Brady huh...hmmm that sounds more like a nightmare to me :)

  5. Dreams are a great place to be. Your mind gets to relax and you get to "do" the things you always wanted to do or think you want to do. I was the astronaut blasting off into space, getting to reach out and touch the stars. I could feel the coldness of space around me but yet I was always safe and warm. I'm always talking about space aren't I? lol. I could just float and look at the Earth beneath me. I would fly back home and there would be thousands of people there to greet me and ask me about the trip. I think most little boys wanted to be astronauts at some point, didn't they??

  6. I've also had vivid dreams of things that haven't happened yet. I'm a twin and I've been told that twins have some abilities to see things that other people don't. Ive had many dreams where I will dream the whole dream in black and white all except for what seems like a few seconds and I will hear a phrase in the dream or see something in the dream and usually within a few weeks, this one portion of my dream comes true in real life, like I can see the future but only very short glimpses of it. Not turning this into crystal balls and things like that but it has happened before.

    1. Very interesting ! Kinda Stephen King or Dean Koontz material here. If you see me winning the lottery, please post quickly so that I can run and buy some lottery tickets

  7. The other part of my sleep and everyone else's for that matter that we may not always like to talk about is the nightmares. They are so clear and vivid to me and they always last an entire night no matter what I do. The waking up in a sweat, your heart beating a hundred beats a second. You know it's not real but you can feel the pain, see the fear. It's like all of your senses are overloaded with information even though your sleeping. My nightmares come from some of my military experiences I'm sure. I may share some of them in a future post. It's late and I don't want to let the monsters out of my closet tonight. lol

  8. I need psychoanalysing here:
    Many years back I dreamed a dream (sounding like a political speech here), anyway, the dream involved me riding up the hill to the estate where I lived. As I turned the corner (and the feel of the dream was very mysterious) I noticed this veiled woman to one side. She was hooded, in dark clothing and whispered to me: 'the eye of the Gherkin'...her finger was pointing at me in thge most accusing fashion and she continued repeating those words.

    Laugh as you will...what on earth did that mean?

    1. Humm... You do know what a Gherkin means so perhaps you hated pickles at that age so she taunted you with the evil eye of a pickle or more ominous thoughts to come later in life..perhaps at that age you were being taunted by others . For a deeper analysis, do visit my office along with your platinum card.

    2. My real thought here was not kind but if I whisper it perhaps no one else will hear ~~~~perhaps you were concerned at the time of the size of Gherkins~~~

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Well..we did hear and lets be honest, we're all concerned about that issue and if you're not you're lying to yourself.

  9. Before I forget, I'd like to welcome our newest member Jennifer and thank her for joining our blog. Please feel free to comment or reply to any post that sparks your interest. If you like, you may also comment as anonymous till you feel comfortable :)

    1. Yes, Welcome Jennifer...please feel free to post your comments...please lol

  10. Welcome Jennifer! Have no fears writing with this group, Cross and Blackhole are both very supportive. I am too lol but I don't have their writing skills. I'm the true amateur here.

  11. Trust me Jennifer we can't get him to shut up !!!!

  12. Just wondering ..Is the Bogeyman's existence the darkness within ourselves? If so be careful of what you dream. I know that there are many times I look forward to entering my dream state. To fill wants and desires ,romp carefree with no stress, and perhaps be reunited with people I have lost. Sometimes, a visit in a dream is the only chance I have of being with someone I wish I could share time with in the real world. I must confess, it is a guilty pleasure when I feel the need to escape from situations I must face on a daily basis. I have had some dreams that seem to reoccur many times over. The same setting . the same characters, the same situation. These are the dreams I most wonder about. Why do they repeat themselves and what does it mean?

  13. Cross, I completely agree with you. There are many times that I can't wait to get to my dreams because they are so comforting. You get to go anywhere you want, do anything you want, and be with anyone you want. Most of us want that guilty pleasure I think. We don't share it with anyone else and it brings us joy.

    I think the repetitive dreams are your hopes about being able to do something that you don't do now. Maybe it's something that you've enjoyed in the past or perhaps it's something you just want to try?

  14. I think the Bogeyman exist in those of us with a very active imagination. We are very passionate about things in our life and have vivid memories of good and bad things. The stress in our lives causes the bad things to bubble up to the top of our dreams and that's when the dreams turn to nightmares.

  15. So I must be thinking about dreams more since we're talking about them. I had a dream last night about being in a cottage but yet the cottage was very similar to my house. The same furniture, the same flooring and things like that but yet the house and location were different. I was definitely in a warm climate near the beach, I could see it when I looked out the windows. So this probably all seems normal right? It's just me dreaming about what I know and dreaming about what I want. Well...here's where it gets good or just plain stupid lol. I'm walking toward the kitchen area and my two cats are in the dream too and I see that they tore up a bag on the floor and I look at them with a sort of "that was naughty look". They look at me and all of a sudden one cat says "It wasn't my fault" and I take a step back and the other one says "hey you left it on the floor didn't you". I immediately woke up after that. LOL

    1. Had to laugh at that one. I think from my vast knowledge of dream interpretation, cats talking to a human being mean one of the following:
      1) No one listens to you so you invest hope in a cat doing this very thing
      2) Something eery to do with nine lives, death and chances you may have had in life
      3) Cats actually do talk it's just that we are not tuned into them in this world.
      4) or you ate some cat food and this was the outcome.

      This is free consulation, any more comes at a charge.

    2. Black, thank you for the analysis lol. Can I say I agree with the second reason here? It sounds better than the rest and doesn't make me sound quite so, what's the word I'm looking for...unbalanced??? :)

  16. I always thought the bogeyman was a ghastly character intended to scare children. For he resembled a ball of nasal snot.
    I had never entertained the idea that he journeys with us in our adult dreaming years. So it's a interesting thought; maybe he takes on different forms and maybe all along the bogeyman is you and I.

  17. Ok, here's a thought to branch off with: have any of your dreams come true? Ive often had that deja vu feeling in connection to a dream and not real life.

  18. In answer to your question Black, strange as it may seem, none of my dreams have ever materialized. Since we have been on this topic, I have tried to remember my current dream of the evening but have been unable to do so. What I find amazing is the innate ability of the human mind. The capabilities of our human computer far exceeds any technology we have created thus far. The brain processes and stores so much data during our lifetime and yet hardly ever "crashes" like our high tech computers do. According to Robert Birge (Syracuse University), the memory capacity of the brain is somewhere between one and 10 terabytes. Estimates are based on the counting of neurons and each neuron containing approximately i bit. The human brain contains somewhere in the number of 50 billion to 200 billion neurons. Not wanting to get too technical, I'm sure you can see how complex the data storage system can become. Perhaps someday we will have a way of linking our brain data to computers to create videos of our dreams. I for one, would love to create the dreams i long to see as I slumber.

  19. Just pondering some thoughts here....Can daydreaming be the same as actual dreaming? If this is true then Freud's theory on dreams becomes the more affirmative theory. Don't we daydream to escape? To go where we really would like to be? It's like taking a pause on life, then jump back to play? Some days , I find I daydream continually as I listen to my music, pondering what I would do if I was anywhere but here at this given moment in time. Imagine how difficult life would be if we couldn't escape with our thoughts. Whatever causes us to dream, I for one am grateful for the opportunity. Don't we all have inspirations that filter through our dreams? I don't know but I think our dreams make it easier to deal with the pressures of reality and perhaps one day we can make some of our dreams come true.

    1. do you not think we are more in control of our daydreams than say our night dreams...I mean we are subconsciously aware we are daydreaming so we tend to channel it accordingly. Im an awful daydreamer; at shool my attention would drift off into all sorts of worlds. The fact is I enjoy it and would never surrender it.

    2. As Cross has said here already, I have not had any dreams come true at least not to this point. I remember bits and pieces of them but I can't think of any dreams that have actually come true.

      Daydreams are definitely a great way to escape and you're correct Black we are more in control of them. I do find myself drifting away to places quite often during the day. I enjoy escaping to a different world without the pressures of every day life. Cross, I would agree with you when you say that our dreams do make it easier to deal with reality. I'm always thinking of how to make my daydreams come true. I will never surrender those dreams and thoughts.

  20. Here's a poem for you on dreams


    You come to me in the quiet of your day
    Stripped of all that burdens your mind.
    I eagerly await your arrival
    Wanting to be with you
    To unbridle the passions we desire
    And consummate our love.
    Sometimes, through the day, I want rid of you.
    I know it would be easier that way
    Just to disappear never to come back
    But dreams create a diversion
    They Breathe a life of their own
    And though i leave, I always return
    Desperately wanting you , wondering
    Will he meet me on the cliffs
    Or down by the river where it all began
    Shall I bring the wine and you the crackers?

  21. New Blog discussion coming up soon..this one will be a say anything with no formal topic to be discussed. Have fun with it.

  22. Wow i know we all have dreams and they can mean many things and some are good and some are bad, but i know it is a part of us as we go to sleep and do dream..I again love the poem southern cross it just reaches down and makes me feel good, so please keep up the poems love 2 read them. I again say that we all do need dreams even though we may not remember them all. I do like 2 wake up smiling knowing i had a good dream and it seems liek when we dream it is liek a part of use inside wants that to happen.. ???

  23. Just a short bedtime story for anyone unable to sleep.


    Once upon a time, there was a sweet little bunny full of adventure. It was difficult for her as she longed to romp freely in the dense woods or even a meadow or two, getting into mischief with foresty animals such as deer and chipmunks, squirrels and elk. She didn't belong in the swamps with alligator and crocodile , Black Panther and snakes. The toads were ok but their croaking would keep her awake for hours on end. After she lost her bunny family, she would just hop and hop all day long mostly alone in the saw grass away from the canals where the evil crocs took their nap in the hot sun. Bunnies were supposed to live in groups not wander alone as her fate had been. At that moment she decided to take charge of her life and go forth and meet others to keep her company. One day, late in the evening, she wandered to that part of the Glades where all sorts of species would gather to socialize. She usually avoided this little patch as she knew that some of the ones that congregated there could be slovenly and cruel . Being the adventurous sort, she had to take a peek at the activity and hoped she meet some new friends to alleviate some of her boredom in that awful swap. She hopped to the front of the gathering , ears all perky and pink. and stood silently till the silver tongued snake asked if anyone was selling anything today. she gave it some thought, decided she had a few extra things and could perhaps make enough money to head North or West anywhere but the South where she was now standing. He was a handsome guy for a snake..kinda trim, fit with the blackest eyes she had ever see. She stood on her hind legs as she quietly spoke. " I have the items you are looking for snake eyes ", she blurted out in her bravest voice. "Oh do you now Miss beach Bunny ?", was his quick reply.

    1. "If you would just follow me to my burrow , I am sure you will be satisfied." She whispered in her bravest voice. As quickly as the words left her lips, she could hear her Mother's warnings. " Never trust the snakes, especially the silver tongued ones. They will smile at you and when you least expect it, dig their fangs into your soft flesh and send poison through your delicate body. Even if you survive their bite, you will never forget the pain it caused". Surely this handsome, charming snake was not the slippery, sneaky. slimy one of her Mother's proclamation. He seemed friendly enough and besides, it wasn't like she was going to continue spending time in his acquaintance. Just sell him the items and be gone, she reassured herself. So off they went..She hopping and him slithering along the ground at her side. They managed to make small talk along the way and hardly noticed that the sun had set and night had befallen the Sea of Grass.
