Utter Amlish Channel

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Who wants to be a Billionaire?
It is has gone that silent I hear the virtual tap dripping and see the tumble weed making its way across the deserted floor – this simply will not do! So, I thought a random post should be put up and maybe it will get our thoughts going again. Personally, I really enjoyed the journey of Bunny, Bear & Christopher and maybe we can return there again. For now the subject is money!
Now if you knew me you would realise that money is what I care for the least however I’m not naive: we need it for basic living and for those luxuries in life. Often we hear people misquoting the words, ‘money is the root of all evil’, but of course it's  the love of money to which we can trace evil’s roots.
Recently the list of the worlds richest was published again; top of the pack for this year is the Mexican Carlos Slim Helu with a measly $69 billion - that’s pocket change for most of us.
What I want is to hear are your thoughts on the subject of money, wealth and all things related. What you would do with a billion or what would you do if the only money you had left was one dollar or pound (see how I’m putting the Americans first!)?  Maybe you would like to share the single most pointless thing you have ever bought or gloat in a bargain – it’s up to you, just write something!


  1. Well. Black who wouldn't want to be a Billionaire ? I think down deep most people would love to be a lottery recipient. I never dwell on it nor do I buy lottery tickets because when it comes to luck, I have none. I'd rather be blessed with good health, love and happiness but a few extra bucks would be well appreciated. Now, say I did win the lottery. Actually buy that one ticket ( because they always say it just takes one ticket to win), what would I do with that money ? First thing , of course, is pay off all my bills. Then take a long vacation to all the places I want to see in my lifetime. Take my time, relax no rush, just days of fun ahead. Of course I'd be traveling with my top of the line i pad, i pod and lappie. Oh, and did I mention I'd look great in my $400.00 jeans, Pradas, Heels and Shades. So after I indulge myself in life's luxuries (sounding selfish here but I don't care), I would donate to various charities. I'd call Angela Jolie and ask who does her lips, get a belly button ring, oh don't forget the Rolls Phantom and a few others. Yes, I sound spoled and shallow but again ..I don't care. I'm off to dream for awhile and come up with more things I truly don't need but wouldn't gift to the Goodwill either.

  2. Sounded like you lost yourself a bit in those 'wants' - not sure about the Jolie lips though, dont you think they are a bit over the top? I heard a man (he was very wealthy) on the radio the other day saying that a person becomes very popular the moment they become rich. That side of things must be awful, people liking you just because they might profit. Ive always believed the people who appreciate their wealth the most are those who have built it up from nothing. That man Warren Buffett, hasn't he given large portions of his money away. Whereas those who 'win' their fortune are exposed to too much too soon. Anyway, If anyone has a spare million I will happily take it :)

  3. Ok one of my bad buys in life: it was a boy's toy a number of years ago. I always dreamed of having a remote control plane when I was younger but we couldn't afford it. So a while back I decided to treat myself to one. The problem was I had never flown such a thing before. I took it out to an expanse of grass near to where i used to live, the place was beaautiful - trees hugged the rolling hills and a river curved its way through the plush surroundings. In 5 minutes I had crashed my plane into a tree. Repaired it. Then did it again, the whole thing was in tatters and I had to throw it away.

  4. I'll just say right off the bat that I'm not someone that needs or wants every toy that money can buy. I would be lying if I said that I wouldn't like to live a more comfortable lifestyle. I dream of lottery winnings or some long lost relative leaving me an inheritance but I'm also a realist. I make the best out of every situation. I have everything I need and some of the things I want. This first post will be my dream land of sorts, all the things I would want just because I could have them. I will sound very shallow but since it's my dream I can sound any way I want. lol

    If I had a billion dollars..hmmm where do I start, well like Cross I would take care of all of bills first. I would put plenty of money away so I can take care of myself when I'm old so I can really enjoy life and not worry about the pounds and pence or dollars and cents (I had to return your generousity in placing us first Black). When all of those little things were taken care of, I would definitely start with a very long vacation. I've never been to Europe so I'd start there. Yes, I mean I would visit just about every country too. While I was in Italy, I would stop and buy my Lamborghini Gallardo LP 560-4. I would definitely do some heavy duty clothes shopping. I'm not a fashion guru so I'd have to hire someone to help me look my best.

    When I was done there, I'd go back to Australia. I was there before for a month and I absolutely LOVED it. I would move there if I could. I would have all my cool techie toys with me during the trip as well. I would buy a wonderful place in Queensland and near Sydney so I could vacation when I felt like it.

    I could go on forever here but I think you get the idea. Have money, can spend...

  5. Black, I agree with you on the Jolie lips..they don't really look good on anyone. I too have read many stories on people that suddenly become very wealthy and they have no idea what to do with it. They have many new "friends" that are there simply for the handout. It definitely would be a life changing event to suddenly be wealthy. You would have to surround yourself with your real friends to help keep you grounded I think. Warren Buffet does donate large portions of his wealth and has established many trusts and worthwhile programs. People may not realize it but Bill Gates has done the same with his enormous wealth. The people that have earned their wealth definitely have a better understanding of what to do with it rather than someone that wins it. That's not always the case but it seems to be true more often than not.

  6. Well, perhaps If I had the wealth of Bill Gates, I'd need a massive tax deduction too. Not that I'm not a charitable person, but I do believe in the saying, " Charity begins at home." O.K now Black you asked .."What is the silliest purchase you ever made"? For me it was a fake petrified dinosaur knee bone. Well..at the time I thought it was real. In retrospect, i was just gullible and certainly got ripped off. During that time of my life, I was into the whole archaeology thing..digging for bones in So. Dakota (at the time in college) during a summer session. I really should have known better but it provided many a good laugh at my expense. As far as bargains, humm I'll have to give that one some thought.

  7. My purchase wasn't silly it was just plain stupid. It was my first house. I was sooo naive. I was in my early 20s, just starting out and got sucked in to thinking I had to have my own place. What an absolute mistake that was. If you've ever seen the movie The Money Pit, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. To make it worse, I'm not a handyman so repairs were tough for me. The house passed the home inspection but there were so many things that weren't found. It was a very humbling experience to say the least. I quickly sold the house and moved on. Home ownership isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  8. Seems today , everything you purchase is a money pit. They sell you crap made in China or some other non- nondescript country just to have you buy their warranty which they don't provide proper service for anyway. Don't get me started on that subject because I am sure I won't sound very politically correct. So getting back to thinking of bargains...A month or so ago, I purchased an Italian Handbag that the original price was over $450.00 for under $40.00 bucks. Perfect for the summer as it is mostly white and in the winter (even tho we have none) people pass over the white items. Not that any of you guys care about this but perhaps the Russian is a female and she might enjoy the bragging.

    1. Sorry can't translate that into pounds and I don't even have that little symbol or icon you use for that form of measurement. Go ahead Black, say it..."Cheeky Americans" So at any rate, Black it was a Bargain.

  9. There is nothing wrong with greed and money at all. You're all acting like it's a big deal to love money and have things. I make plenty of money and buy everything I can. I just bought another pistol, not because I need it but I want it. I won't make any excuses for it either. It's called capitalism people, deal with it. If you don't like it move to Cuba or some other rotten place. Puppet you sound really talented. You can't even do home repairs so you had to sell your house. Wow, your family must be really proud of you IF you have one. Cross, what a surprise..you bought a purse of some kind and you have to have your fancy clothes. It's good to know you're keeping foreign countries in business. Please keep buying all of your fancy clothes sweatshops need your money.

  10. Look Dan...I won't delete your insane comments because this is a place to speak your mind..even if you are out of it at the time. So I take it your a nudist?? Since you don't buy any clothing made in foreign countries. Better check the labels in your camo gear and boots and start flipping everything you own upside down to read the country from which it came. Don't sound so righteous you animal killer you !! But do keep posting. I'm sure everyone loves to feel normal after reading your comments. And where do you keep your family? Probably locked up in your basement

  11. Well Cross it sounds like you're just like the rest of the people that claim to be American. Have you ever heard of looking for clothes with the MADE IN AMERICA label??? I highly doubt that you have since you're worried about a stupid $450 purse and you need your Prada junk. I will agree with you about one thing though, you're DEFINITELY right we don't care about the purse. I knew you were a socialist or something like that since you're worried if the Russian is a woman. Who the hell cares if a Russian is posting. I'm much more normal than you think too since I actually speak my mind and my family knows who's in charge at home THANKS for asking about them. We will all sleep better tonight knowing that a communist is thinking about them.

  12. It's truly amazing you psycho that you found the time to dismiss yourself from your Prepper activities. Your poor family. If she needs , i have a great abuse shelter for her to call. Better than the run down rusty trailer you all live in with your 12 kids. You probably take the short bus to work at your job in some fast food drive through. Dousing yourself with Ax , thinking you actually smell good. Try bathing or did they turn off your water?

  13. Dan, I think you definitely need to get out of your trailer. Who are you to talk about what people can and can't do. You probably are one of those prepper freaks aren't you. Where's the OTHER double-wide at? It's probably next to your moonshine shack. Why don't you get out of the woods and get around some people that have more than 2 teeth in their mouth. Why don't you go back to your life and leave everyone here alone. I wouldn't want you to kill your few brain cells by asking you to think. You've probably never even suffered in the military you're probably part of some weird sect planning fighting the government.

    1. That should say served not suffered. I'm a bit frustrated with our friend Dan.

  14. woooaaaaaaah everyone calm down! Ok a bit of British reserve is needed. Of course everyone is entitled to their point of view on this blog but I think we should draw the line at attacking each other in a public forum. Dan, your opening remarks in response to both Cross and PM were uncalled for. This was a silly topic about money and the things we 'dream' of buying so its unnecessary of you to come out with the crazy remarks that you have done. I think if you cannot contribute positively or even object diplomatically then you should not say anything at all.

  15. So a weekend of spending has passed. I think I got a little carried away. All this talk about winning the lottery, I thought I had cashed in my winning ticket. It's spring, not that we had fall or winter but the advertising had brain washed me into thinking..the snow has melted and time to plant a garden. So tons of tomato, blueberry and strawberry plants, soil and fertilizer, pots and.. and.. and..I could have bought them for half the price at my food store fully grown, ready to eat. But it's the fun of watching the little babies grow to full size and savoring the fruits of your labor. However, I do need to win the lottery to finish the rest of the fruit and spice garden. Now if the snails would only move next door !!

  16. Welcome back Mz. or Mr. Russia we missed you

  17. Black, thank you for the reminder that we are simply dreaming about what we would do with our money if we were rich.

    With that said, Cross you're definitely correct in saying that the marketing machine is in full effect. I saw the commercials and had all of these ideas of things to do since the weather was so nice yesterday. Well, I got in my backyard and reality set in. It was like walking in a marsh, the ground is so wet yet. The only thing I did was pick up broken tree branches and things like that. Where am I going with this you ask..so you're right I could definitely stand to win the lottery too so I can have french drains done in my back yard and get a new shed and have some dead trees cut down. I need to have an area in my side yard landscaped because it just looks bad. I will not tell you guys what I call the area, my term is definitely NOT politically correct lol. I would also have a professional exterminator on staff just so they could kill all the stupid moles that destroy my yard.

    I guess I'll keep playing my numbers and donating my money every Wednesday and Saturday.

  18. Then there are things that can't be bought of course. These things are perhaps the most important to us. Health and love for me are priceless. If you have one of these or both, then you have struck the lottery many times over.

  19. Very well said Cross. Money can buy many things but can never buy happiness or love. Some people get so obsessed with money and possessions that they forget what's really important in life. Guess I'm sentimental because love is happiness to me. Without love you'll never be happy.

  20. Cross has talked about the handbag that she purchased for $40 when it was $450 retail. That is a great deal for any shopper I think. While I was in the Army, I was able to travel to South Korea and found many great deals. Now don't get me wrong, there were many bad deals too like the $10 Rolex watches or the $5 dollar "designer" sunglasses. You could also get many varieties of well, meals kind of ready to eat. If you know anything about the open air markets in Southeast Asia, you know exactly what I'm talking about. So you get the point, buyer beware which is the case in just about anything you do. Yes I know I'm rambling, it's me do you expect anything different.

    Soooo....I was in an open air market and found authentic Perian rugs. How did I know they were authentic you ask? I didn't have a clue until I got them home. I bought 2 6x10 rugs for $250 just outside of Seoul. I took them to an appraiser in Honolulu when I got back, yes I was stationed in Hawaii. The guy says to me, how much did you pay for these? I told him $250. He says, well you got a great deal. These rugs are easily worth $4000. So I did what any intelligent 19 year old would do. I sold them and spent all the money hahaha.

  21. Must have cost you 4K to have them shipped. Just to let everyone know (not that there are a lot of "everyones") I may have to take some time off the blog to write a coauthored Book...I just don't think I will have the time for both at this moment but I will try to post a short post daily.

  22. Tragedy that you may be taking a break from the blog cross...what fiend has taken you away from us? Anyway I smell the scene of spring in the air and time for a change...
